Starting Therapy: A Guide to Getting Ready, Feeling Informed, and Gaining the Most from Your Sessions【電子書籍】[ Faith Freed ]

Starting Therapy: A Guide to Getting Ready, Feeling Informed, and Gaining the Most from Your Sessions【電子書籍】[ Faith Freed ]

<p>Psychotherapist and author Faith Freed (LMFT) believes that therapy benefits anyone brave and wise enough to begin. In this down-to-earth book, she shares her first-hand knowledge and clinical experience to send you off with confidence. "Starting Therapy" is an easy-to-read guide for anyone new to therapy or eager to learn more about it. It makes sense that you’d want to know what you’re signing up for before your first session. This book answers your questions before you hit the couch.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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